Many people don't have thousands of dollars in the bank to make a deposit for the purchase of a home. The deposit forms part of the down payment. The problem for many people is that they need to sell their current home first to get the down payment.
The deposit is made upfront upon subject removal even though they might not own their new home for a couple of months! In the meantime, they have not received money for the sale of their current home; and they were planning on using the equity in their home to make the down payment including the deposit. Don't ran away screaming....there is a way out!
Solution: a deposit loan.
*One of the deposit loans that I offer is very simple.
Flat fees only, no extra interest.
Loan size:
Up to $25 000 cost $500
$25 000 - $50 000 cost $750
$50 000 + cost $1000
If you own your own home and want to move, don't let the deposit be a barrier. Give me a call with no obligation.
There are so many things to think about when you want to sell your home and purchase a new one! In working with a good mortgage broker and a good realtor, you don't have to think of everything yourself. A strong team will makes things possible!
*Fees are subject to change without notice and subject to conditions.